Source: trackers/ColorTracker.js

(function() {
   * ColorTracker utility to track colored blobs in a frrame using color
   * difference evaluation.
   * @constructor
   * @param {string|Array.<string>} opt_colors Optional colors to track.
   * @extends {tracking.Tracker}
  tracking.ColorTracker = function(opt_colors) {
    tracking.ColorTracker.base(this, 'constructor');

    if (typeof opt_colors === 'string') {
      opt_colors = [opt_colors];

    if (opt_colors) {
      opt_colors.forEach(function(color) {
        if (!tracking.ColorTracker.getColor(color)) {
          throw new Error('Color not valid, try `new tracking.ColorTracker("magenta")`.');

  tracking.inherits(tracking.ColorTracker, tracking.Tracker);

   * Holds the known colors.
   * @type {Object.<string, function>}
   * @private
   * @static
  tracking.ColorTracker.knownColors_ = {};

   * Caches coordinates values of the neighbours surrounding a pixel.
   * @type {Object.<number, Int32Array>}
   * @private
   * @static
  tracking.ColorTracker.neighbours_ = {};

   * Registers a color as known color.
   * @param {string} name The color name.
   * @param {function} fn The color function to test if the passed (r,g,b) is
   *     the desired color.
   * @static
  tracking.ColorTracker.registerColor = function(name, fn) {
    tracking.ColorTracker.knownColors_[name] = fn;

   * Gets the known color function that is able to test whether an (r,g,b) is
   * the desired color.
   * @param {string} name The color name.
   * @return {function} The known color test function.
   * @static
  tracking.ColorTracker.getColor = function(name) {
    return tracking.ColorTracker.knownColors_[name];

   * Holds the colors to be tracked by the `ColorTracker` instance.
   * @default ['magenta']
   * @type {Array.<string>}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.colors = ['magenta'];

   * Holds the minimum dimension to classify a rectangle.
   * @default 20
   * @type {number}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.minDimension = 20;

   * Holds the minimum group size to be classified as a rectangle.
   * @default 30
   * @type {number}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.minGroupSize = 30;

   * Calculates the central coordinate from the cloud points. The cloud points
   * are all points that matches the desired color.
   * @param {Array.<number>} cloud Major row order array containing all the
   *     points from the desired color, e.g. [x1, y1, c2, y2, ...].
   * @param {number} total Total numbers of pixels of the desired color.
   * @return {object} Object contaning the x, y and estimated z coordinate of
   *     the blog extracted from the cloud points.
   * @private
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.calculateDimensions_ = function(cloud, total) {
    var maxx = -1;
    var maxy = -1;
    var minx = Infinity;
    var miny = Infinity;

    for (var c = 0; c < total; c += 2) {
      var x = cloud[c];
      var y = cloud[c + 1];

      if (x < minx) {
        minx = x;
      if (x > maxx) {
        maxx = x;
      if (y < miny) {
        miny = y;
      if (y > maxy) {
        maxy = y;

    return {
      width: maxx - minx,
      height: maxy - miny,
      x: minx,
      y: miny

   * Gets the colors being tracked by the `ColorTracker` instance.
   * @return {Array.<string>}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.getColors = function() {
    return this.colors;

   * Sets the minimum dimension to classify a rectangle.
   * @param {number} minDimension
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.getMinDimension = function() {
    return this.minDimension;

   * Gets the minimum group size to be classified as a rectangle.
   * @return {number}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.getMinGroupSize = function() {
    return this.minGroupSize;

   * Gets the eight offset values of the neighbours surrounding a pixel.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @return {array} Array with the eight offset values of the neighbours
   *     surrounding a pixel.
   * @private
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.getNeighboursForWidth_ = function(width) {
    if (tracking.ColorTracker.neighbours_[width]) {
      return tracking.ColorTracker.neighbours_[width];

    var neighbours = new Int32Array(8);

    neighbours[0] = -width * 4;
    neighbours[1] = -width * 4 + 4;
    neighbours[2] = 4;
    neighbours[3] = width * 4 + 4;
    neighbours[4] = width * 4;
    neighbours[5] = width * 4 - 4;
    neighbours[6] = -4;
    neighbours[7] = -width * 4 - 4;

    tracking.ColorTracker.neighbours_[width] = neighbours;

    return neighbours;

   * Unites groups whose bounding box intersect with each other.
   * @param {Array.<Object>} rects
   * @private
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.mergeRectangles_ = function(rects) {
    var intersects;
    var results = [];
    var minDimension = this.getMinDimension();
    for (var r = 0; r < rects.length; r++) {
      var r1 = rects[r];
      intersects = true;
      for (var s = r + 1; s < rects.length; s++) {
        var r2 = rects[s];
        if (tracking.Math.intersectRect(r1.x, r1.y, r1.x + r1.width, r1.y + r1.height, r2.x, r2.y, r2.x + r2.width, r2.y + r2.height)) {
          intersects = false;
          var x1 = Math.min(r1.x, r2.x);
          var y1 = Math.min(r1.y, r2.y);
          var x2 = Math.max(r1.x + r1.width, r2.x + r2.width);
          var y2 = Math.max(r1.y + r1.height, r2.y + r2.height);
          r2.height = y2 - y1;
          r2.width = x2 - x1;
          r2.x = x1;
          r2.y = y1;
      if (intersects) {
        if (r1.width >= minDimension && r1.height >= minDimension) {
    return results;

   * Sets the colors to be tracked by the `ColorTracker` instance.
   * @param {Array.<string>} colors
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.setColors = function(colors) {
    this.colors = colors;

   * Sets the minimum dimension to classify a rectangle.
   * @return {number}
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.setMinDimension = function(minDimension) {
    this.minDimension = minDimension;

   * Sets the minimum group size to be classified as a rectangle.
   * @param {number} minGroupSize
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.setMinGroupSize = function(minGroupSize) {
    this.minGroupSize = minGroupSize;

   * Tracks the `Video` frames. This method is called for each video frame in
   * order to emit `track` event.
   * @param {Uint8ClampedArray} pixels The pixels data to track.
   * @param {number} width The pixels canvas width.
   * @param {number} height The pixels canvas height.
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.track = function(pixels, width, height) {
    var self = this;
    var colors = this.getColors();

    if (!colors) {
      throw new Error('Colors not specified, try `new tracking.ColorTracker("magenta")`.');

    var results = [];

    colors.forEach(function(color) {
      results = results.concat(self.trackColor_(pixels, width, height, color));

    this.emit('track', {
      data: results

   * Find the given color in the given matrix of pixels using Flood fill
   * algorithm to determines the area connected to a given node in a
   * multi-dimensional array.
   * @param {Uint8ClampedArray} pixels The pixels data to track.
   * @param {number} width The pixels canvas width.
   * @param {number} height The pixels canvas height.
   * @param {string} color The color to be found
   * @private
  tracking.ColorTracker.prototype.trackColor_ = function(pixels, width, height, color) {
    var colorFn = tracking.ColorTracker.knownColors_[color];
    var currGroup = new Int32Array(pixels.length >> 2);
    var currGroupSize;
    var currI;
    var currJ;
    var currW;
    var marked = new Int8Array(pixels.length);
    var minGroupSize = this.getMinGroupSize();
    var neighboursW = this.getNeighboursForWidth_(width);
    var queue = new Int32Array(pixels.length);
    var queuePosition;
    var results = [];
    var w = -4;

    if (!colorFn) {
      return results;

    for (var i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (var j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        w += 4;

        if (marked[w]) {

        currGroupSize = 0;

        queuePosition = -1;
        queue[++queuePosition] = w;
        queue[++queuePosition] = i;
        queue[++queuePosition] = j;

        marked[w] = 1;

        while (queuePosition >= 0) {
          currJ = queue[queuePosition--];
          currI = queue[queuePosition--];
          currW = queue[queuePosition--];

          if (colorFn(pixels[currW], pixels[currW + 1], pixels[currW + 2], pixels[currW + 3], currW, currI, currJ)) {
            currGroup[currGroupSize++] = currJ;
            currGroup[currGroupSize++] = currI;

            for (var k = 0; k < neighboursW.length; k++) {
              var otherW = currW + neighboursW[k];
              var otherI = currI + neighboursI[k];
              var otherJ = currJ + neighboursJ[k];
              if (!marked[otherW] && otherI >= 0 && otherI < height && otherJ >= 0 && otherJ < width) {
                queue[++queuePosition] = otherW;
                queue[++queuePosition] = otherI;
                queue[++queuePosition] = otherJ;

                marked[otherW] = 1;

        if (currGroupSize >= minGroupSize) {
          var data = this.calculateDimensions_(currGroup, currGroupSize);
          if (data) {
            data.color = color;

    return this.mergeRectangles_(results);

  // Default colors

  tracking.ColorTracker.registerColor('cyan', function(r, g, b) {
    var thresholdGreen = 50,
      thresholdBlue = 70,
      dx = r - 0,
      dy = g - 255,
      dz = b - 255;

    if ((g - r) >= thresholdGreen && (b - r) >= thresholdBlue) {
      return true;
    return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz < 6400;

  tracking.ColorTracker.registerColor('magenta', function(r, g, b) {
    var threshold = 50,
      dx = r - 255,
      dy = g - 0,
      dz = b - 255;

    if ((r - g) >= threshold && (b - g) >= threshold) {
      return true;
    return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz < 19600;

  tracking.ColorTracker.registerColor('yellow', function(r, g, b) {
    var threshold = 50,
      dx = r - 255,
      dy = g - 255,
      dz = b - 0;

    if ((r - b) >= threshold && (g - b) >= threshold) {
      return true;
    return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz < 10000;

  // Caching neighbour i/j offset values.
  var neighboursI = new Int32Array([-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1]);
  var neighboursJ = new Int32Array([0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1]);