Source: features/Fast.js

(function() {
   * FAST intends for "Features from Accelerated Segment Test". This method
   * performs a point segment test corner detection. The segment test
   * criterion operates by considering a circle of sixteen pixels around the
   * corner candidate p. The detector classifies p as a corner if there exists
   * a set of n contiguous pixelsin the circle which are all brighter than the
   * intensity of the candidate pixel Ip plus a threshold t, or all darker
   * than Ip − t.
   *       15 00 01
   *    14          02
   * 13                03
   * 12       []       04
   * 11                05
   *    10          06
   *       09 08 07
   * For more reference:
   * @static
   * @constructor
  tracking.Fast = {};

   * Holds the threshold to determine whether the tested pixel is brighter or
   * darker than the corner candidate p.
   * @type {number}
   * @default 40
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.THRESHOLD = 40;

   * Caches coordinates values of the circle surounding the pixel candidate p.
   * @type {Object.<number, Int32Array>}
   * @private
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.circles_ = {};

   * Finds corners coordinates on the graysacaled image.
   * @param {array} The grayscale pixels in a linear [p1,p2,...] array.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @param {number} height The image height.
   * @param {number} threshold to determine whether the tested pixel is brighter or
   *     darker than the corner candidate p. Default value is 40.
   * @return {array} Array containing the coordinates of all found corners,
   *     e.g. [x0,y0,x1,y1,...], where P(x0,y0) represents a corner coordinate.
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.findCorners = function(pixels, width, height, opt_threshold) {
    var circleOffsets = this.getCircleOffsets_(width);
    var circlePixels = new Int32Array(16);
    var corners = [];

    if (opt_threshold === undefined) {
      opt_threshold = this.THRESHOLD;

    // When looping through the image pixels, skips the first three lines from
    // the image boundaries to constrain the surrounding circle inside the image
    // area.
    for (var i = 3; i < height - 3; i++) {
      for (var j = 3; j < width - 3; j++) {
        var w = i * width + j;
        var p = pixels[w];

        // Loops the circle offsets to read the pixel value for the sixteen
        // surrounding pixels.
        for (var k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
          circlePixels[k] = pixels[w + circleOffsets[k]];

        if (this.isCorner(p, circlePixels, opt_threshold)) {
          // The pixel p is classified as a corner, as optimization increment j
          // by the circle radius 3 to skip the neighbor pixels inside the
          // surrounding circle. This can be removed without compromising the
          // result.
          corners.push(j, i);
          j += 3;

    return corners;

   * Checks if the circle pixel is brigther than the candidate pixel p by
   * a threshold.
   * @param {number} circlePixel The circle pixel value.
   * @param {number} p The value of the candidate pixel p.
   * @param {number} threshold
   * @return {Boolean}
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.isBrighter = function(circlePixel, p, threshold) {
    return circlePixel - p > threshold;

   * Checks if the circle pixel is within the corner of the candidate pixel p
   * by a threshold.
   * @param {number} p The value of the candidate pixel p.
   * @param {number} circlePixel The circle pixel value.
   * @param {number} threshold
   * @return {Boolean}
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.isCorner = function(p, circlePixels, threshold) {
    if (this.isTriviallyExcluded(circlePixels, p, threshold)) {
      return false;

    for (var x = 0; x < 16; x++) {
      var darker = true;
      var brighter = true;

      for (var y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
        var circlePixel = circlePixels[(x + y) & 15];

        if (!this.isBrighter(p, circlePixel, threshold)) {
          brighter = false;
          if (darker === false) {

        if (!this.isDarker(p, circlePixel, threshold)) {
          darker = false;
          if (brighter === false) {

      if (brighter || darker) {
        return true;

    return false;

   * Checks if the circle pixel is darker than the candidate pixel p by
   * a threshold.
   * @param {number} circlePixel The circle pixel value.
   * @param {number} p The value of the candidate pixel p.
   * @param {number} threshold
   * @return {Boolean}
   * @static
  tracking.Fast.isDarker = function(circlePixel, p, threshold) {
    return p - circlePixel > threshold;

   * Fast check to test if the candidate pixel is a trivially excluded value.
   * In order to be a corner, the candidate pixel value should be darker or
   * brigther than 9-12 surrouding pixels, when at least three of the top,
   * bottom, left and right pixels are brither or darker it can be
   * automatically excluded improving the performance.
   * @param {number} circlePixel The circle pixel value.
   * @param {number} p The value of the candidate pixel p.
   * @param {number} threshold
   * @return {Boolean}
   * @static
   * @protected
  tracking.Fast.isTriviallyExcluded = function(circlePixels, p, threshold) {
    var count = 0;
    var circleBottom = circlePixels[8];
    var circleLeft = circlePixels[12];
    var circleRight = circlePixels[4];
    var circleTop = circlePixels[0];

    if (this.isBrighter(circleTop, p, threshold)) {
    if (this.isBrighter(circleRight, p, threshold)) {
    if (this.isBrighter(circleBottom, p, threshold)) {
    if (this.isBrighter(circleLeft, p, threshold)) {

    if (count < 3) {
      count = 0;
      if (this.isDarker(circleTop, p, threshold)) {
      if (this.isDarker(circleRight, p, threshold)) {
      if (this.isDarker(circleBottom, p, threshold)) {
      if (this.isDarker(circleLeft, p, threshold)) {
      if (count < 3) {
        return true;

    return false;

   * Gets the sixteen offset values of the circle surrounding pixel.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @return {array} Array with the sixteen offset values of the circle
   *     surrounding pixel.
   * @private
  tracking.Fast.getCircleOffsets_ = function(width) {
    if (this.circles_[width]) {
      return this.circles_[width];

    var circle = new Int32Array(16);

    circle[0] = -width - width - width;
    circle[1] = circle[0] + 1;
    circle[2] = circle[1] + width + 1;
    circle[3] = circle[2] + width + 1;
    circle[4] = circle[3] + width;
    circle[5] = circle[4] + width;
    circle[6] = circle[5] + width - 1;
    circle[7] = circle[6] + width - 1;
    circle[8] = circle[7] - 1;
    circle[9] = circle[8] - 1;
    circle[10] = circle[9] - width - 1;
    circle[11] = circle[10] - width - 1;
    circle[12] = circle[11] - width;
    circle[13] = circle[12] - width;
    circle[14] = circle[13] - width + 1;
    circle[15] = circle[14] - width + 1;

    this.circles_[width] = circle;
    return circle;