Source: detection/ViolaJones.js

(function() {
   * ViolaJones utility.
   * @static
   * @constructor
  tracking.ViolaJones = {};

   * Holds the minimum area of intersection that defines when a rectangle is
   * from the same group. Often when a face is matched multiple rectangles are
   * classified as possible rectangles to represent the face, when they
   * intersects they are grouped as one face.
   * @type {number}
   * @default 0.5
   * @static
  tracking.ViolaJones.REGIONS_OVERLAP = 0.5;

   * Holds the HAAR cascade classifiers converted from OpenCV training.
   * @type {array}
   * @static
  tracking.ViolaJones.classifiers = {};

   * Detects through the HAAR cascade data rectangles matches.
   * @param {pixels} pixels The pixels in a linear [r,g,b,a,...] array.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @param {number} height The image height.
   * @param {number} initialScale The initial scale to start the block
   *     scaling.
   * @param {number} scaleFactor The scale factor to scale the feature block.
   * @param {number} stepSize The block step size.
   * @param {number} edgesDensity Percentage density edges inside the
   *     classifier block. Value from [0.0, 1.0], defaults to 0.2. If specified
   *     edge detection will be applied to the image to prune dead areas of the
   *     image, this can improve significantly performance.
   * @param {number} data The HAAR cascade data.
   * @return {array} Found rectangles.
   * @static
  tracking.ViolaJones.detect = function(pixels, width, height, initialScale, scaleFactor, stepSize, edgesDensity, data) {
    var total = 0;
    var rects = [];
    var integralImage = new Int32Array(width * height);
    var integralImageSquare = new Int32Array(width * height);
    var tiltedIntegralImage = new Int32Array(width * height);

    var integralImageSobel;
    if (edgesDensity > 0) {
      integralImageSobel = new Int32Array(width * height);

    tracking.Image.computeIntegralImage(pixels, width, height, integralImage, integralImageSquare, tiltedIntegralImage, integralImageSobel);

    var minWidth = data[0];
    var minHeight = data[1];
    var scale = initialScale * scaleFactor;
    var blockWidth = (scale * minWidth) | 0;
    var blockHeight = (scale * minHeight) | 0;

    while (blockWidth < width && blockHeight < height) {
      var step = (scale * stepSize + 0.5) | 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < (height - blockHeight); i += step) {
        for (var j = 0; j < (width - blockWidth); j += step) {

          if (edgesDensity > 0) {
            if (this.isTriviallyExcluded(edgesDensity, integralImageSobel, i, j, width, blockWidth, blockHeight)) {

          if (this.evalStages_(data, integralImage, integralImageSquare, tiltedIntegralImage, i, j, width, blockWidth, blockHeight, scale)) {
            rects[total++] = {
              width: blockWidth,
              height: blockHeight,
              x: j,
              y: i

      scale *= scaleFactor;
      blockWidth = (scale * minWidth) | 0;
      blockHeight = (scale * minHeight) | 0;
    return this.mergeRectangles_(rects);

   * Fast check to test whether the edges density inside the block is greater
   * than a threshold, if true it tests the stages. This can improve
   * significantly performance.
   * @param {number} edgesDensity Percentage density edges inside the
   *     classifier block.
   * @param {array} integralImageSobel The integral image of a sobel image.
   * @param {number} i Vertical position of the pixel to be evaluated.
   * @param {number} j Horizontal position of the pixel to be evaluated.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @return {boolean} True whether the block at position i,j can be skipped,
   *     false otherwise.
   * @static
   * @protected
  tracking.ViolaJones.isTriviallyExcluded = function(edgesDensity, integralImageSobel, i, j, width, blockWidth, blockHeight) {
    var wbA = i * width + j;
    var wbB = wbA + blockWidth;
    var wbD = wbA + blockHeight * width;
    var wbC = wbD + blockWidth;
    var blockEdgesDensity = (integralImageSobel[wbA] - integralImageSobel[wbB] - integralImageSobel[wbD] + integralImageSobel[wbC]) / (blockWidth * blockHeight * 255);
    if (blockEdgesDensity < edgesDensity) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Evaluates if the block size on i,j position is a valid HAAR cascade
   * stage.
   * @param {number} data The HAAR cascade data.
   * @param {number} i Vertical position of the pixel to be evaluated.
   * @param {number} j Horizontal position of the pixel to be evaluated.
   * @param {number} width The image width.
   * @param {number} blockSize The block size.
   * @param {number} scale The scale factor of the block size and its original
   *     size.
   * @param {number} inverseArea The inverse area of the block size.
   * @return {boolean} Whether the region passes all the stage tests.
   * @private
   * @static
  tracking.ViolaJones.evalStages_ = function(data, integralImage, integralImageSquare, tiltedIntegralImage, i, j, width, blockWidth, blockHeight, scale) {
    var inverseArea = 1.0 / (blockWidth * blockHeight);
    var wbA = i * width + j;
    var wbB = wbA + blockWidth;
    var wbD = wbA + blockHeight * width;
    var wbC = wbD + blockWidth;
    var mean = (integralImage[wbA] - integralImage[wbB] - integralImage[wbD] + integralImage[wbC]) * inverseArea;
    var variance = (integralImageSquare[wbA] - integralImageSquare[wbB] - integralImageSquare[wbD] + integralImageSquare[wbC]) * inverseArea - mean * mean;

    var standardDeviation = 1;
    if (variance > 0) {
      standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(variance);

    var length = data.length;

    for (var w = 2; w < length; ) {
      var stageSum = 0;
      var stageThreshold = data[w++];
      var nodeLength = data[w++];

      while (nodeLength--) {
        var rectsSum = 0;
        var tilted = data[w++];
        var rectsLength = data[w++];

        for (var r = 0; r < rectsLength; r++) {
          var rectLeft = (j + data[w++] * scale + 0.5) | 0;
          var rectTop = (i + data[w++] * scale + 0.5) | 0;
          var rectWidth = (data[w++] * scale + 0.5) | 0;
          var rectHeight = (data[w++] * scale + 0.5) | 0;
          var rectWeight = data[w++];

          var w1;
          var w2;
          var w3;
          var w4;
          if (tilted) {
            // RectSum(r) = RSAT(x-h+w, y+w+h-1) + RSAT(x, y-1) - RSAT(x-h, y+h-1) - RSAT(x+w, y+w-1)
            w1 = (rectLeft - rectHeight + rectWidth) + (rectTop + rectWidth + rectHeight - 1) * width;
            w2 = rectLeft + (rectTop - 1) * width;
            w3 = (rectLeft - rectHeight) + (rectTop + rectHeight - 1) * width;
            w4 = (rectLeft + rectWidth) + (rectTop + rectWidth - 1) * width;
            rectsSum += (tiltedIntegralImage[w1] + tiltedIntegralImage[w2] - tiltedIntegralImage[w3] - tiltedIntegralImage[w4]) * rectWeight;
          } else {
            // RectSum(r) = SAT(x-1, y-1) + SAT(x+w-1, y+h-1) - SAT(x-1, y+h-1) - SAT(x+w-1, y-1)
            w1 = rectTop * width + rectLeft;
            w2 = w1 + rectWidth;
            w3 = w1 + rectHeight * width;
            w4 = w3 + rectWidth;
            rectsSum += (integralImage[w1] - integralImage[w2] - integralImage[w3] + integralImage[w4]) * rectWeight;
            // TODO: Review the code below to analyze performance when using it instead.
            // w1 = (rectLeft - 1) + (rectTop - 1) * width;
            // w2 = (rectLeft + rectWidth - 1) + (rectTop + rectHeight - 1) * width;
            // w3 = (rectLeft - 1) + (rectTop + rectHeight - 1) * width;
            // w4 = (rectLeft + rectWidth - 1) + (rectTop - 1) * width;
            // rectsSum += (integralImage[w1] + integralImage[w2] - integralImage[w3] - integralImage[w4]) * rectWeight;

        var nodeThreshold = data[w++];
        var nodeLeft = data[w++];
        var nodeRight = data[w++];

        if (rectsSum * inverseArea < nodeThreshold * standardDeviation) {
          stageSum += nodeLeft;
        } else {
          stageSum += nodeRight;

      if (stageSum < stageThreshold) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Postprocess the detected sub-windows in order to combine overlapping
   * detections into a single detection.
   * @param {array} rects
   * @return {array}
   * @private
   * @static
  tracking.ViolaJones.mergeRectangles_ = function(rects) {
    var disjointSet = new tracking.DisjointSet(rects.length);

    for (var i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) {
      var r1 = rects[i];
      for (var j = 0; j < rects.length; j++) {
        var r2 = rects[j];
        if (tracking.Math.intersectRect(r1.x, r1.y, r1.x + r1.width, r1.y + r1.height, r2.x, r2.y, r2.x + r2.width, r2.y + r2.height)) {
          var x1 = Math.max(r1.x, r2.x);
          var y1 = Math.max(r1.y, r2.y);
          var x2 = Math.min(r1.x + r1.width, r2.x + r2.width);
          var y2 = Math.min(r1.y + r1.height, r2.y + r2.height);
          var overlap = (x1 - x2) * (y1 - y2);
          var area1 = (r1.width * r1.height);
          var area2 = (r2.width * r2.height);

          if ((overlap / (area1 * (area1 / area2)) >= this.REGIONS_OVERLAP) &&
            (overlap / (area2 * (area1 / area2)) >= this.REGIONS_OVERLAP)) {
            disjointSet.union(i, j);

    var map = {};
    for (var k = 0; k < disjointSet.length; k++) {
      var rep = disjointSet.find(k);
      if (!map[rep]) {
        map[rep] = {
          total: 1,
          width: rects[k].width,
          height: rects[k].height,
          x: rects[k].x,
          y: rects[k].y
      map[rep].width += rects[k].width;
      map[rep].height += rects[k].height;
      map[rep].x += rects[k].x;
      map[rep].y += rects[k].y;

    var result = [];
    Object.keys(map).forEach(function(key) {
      var rect = map[key];
        width: (rect.width / + 0.5) | 0,
        height: (rect.height / + 0.5) | 0,
        x: (rect.x / + 0.5) | 0,
        y: (rect.y / + 0.5) | 0

    return result;
